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Importance of Agricultural Tourism for City dwellers


Updated: Feb 28, 2022

Our life in the city has evolved in recent decades with change in income, lifestyle, technology, and culture. This change has been more rapid in the last two years with covid and its impact of working from home bringing the stress of office right in the living room!

With the increased stress on the individuals the need to de-stress is critical and what better than doing that in the lap of nature...

From here, the idea of an agri tourism farmhouse/ resort gains relevance. People usually travel from one place to another in order to find entertainment and relaxation. Tiki Farms in Karjat being just 90km from Mumbai is considered a place of relaxation, entertainment for the guests, while more energetic people can engage in river walk, farming, fishing, cycling, etc.

Tiki Farms is an ideal farmstay which offers a countryside experience to its guests with only a minimal impact on the environment without compromising the guests’ comfort and safety. The farm stay draws on and blends with the local natural and cultural influences by employing principles of environmentally sustainable design.

Tiki Farms proves to be environment friendly and beneficial to the local community and helps guests learn about the local surroundings.


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